Friday, November 29, 2019

No Oyes Ladrar Los Perro Essays - Hombre Tenas Que Ser,

No Oyes Ladrar Los Perro Farnaz Falsafi Espa?ol 312 18/09/00 ?No oyes ladrar los perros? Hay muchas maneras y t?cticas en revelar al lector lo que quiere decir el autor. En el cuento ?No oyes ladrar los perros? de Juan Rulfo, se puede ver que la estructura de los personajes, y tambi?n la estructura social, tienen una gran importancia sobre el desarrollo de los temas principales. La estructura de los personajes que Rulfo pint? tiene bastante importancia. El car?cter principal, el padre, ilustra la relaci?n entre padre e hijo. El padre en el cuento no tiene nombre. Pero tambi?n, su car?cter no necesita un nombre porque todos saben c?mo es un ?padre.? Eso significa que ?l tiene autoridad y m?s a?os. El nombre ?padre? da un sentido de intimidad y familiaridad entre ?l y su hijo. El padre es un hombre viejo y no se siente bien por cuidar a su hijo. ?l est? cansado de llevar su hijo en sus hombros pero no puede hacer nada por su propio porque el hijo necesita un doctor. Eso muestra los sacrificios que un padre hace por su hijo. El padre cuida a su hijo s?lo por el amor que siente por su difunta esposa. ?Todo esto que hago, no lo hago por usted. Lo hago por su difunta madre. Porque usted fue su hijo? (160). El lector puede ver el cambio a la forma de ?usted?. Esta cambio demuestra el odio que se siente el padre a su hijo por las cosas malas que ?l hizo. Es ir?nico porque normalmente, se usa ?usted? para dar respecto a alguien. El padre est? siendo sarc?stico porque obviamente no respecta a su hijo malo. Rulfo da la idea que el padre todav?a quiere a su hijo aunque es tan malo. Parece que le da lastima al padre que su hijo viv?a del robo y mata a gente inocente, pero todav?a lo quiere. Es su hijo, parte de su alma y ser que solo un padre puede sentir tanto por su hijo a pesar de todo lo que ?l hizo. El hijo del padre, Ignacio, tiene un car?cter muy maldecido. ?l anda por las calles y, para sobrevivir, roba y mata a la gente inocente. ?l est? enfermo y herido, probablemente por andar luchando con otros en la calle. Ignacio y su padre tienen una relaci?n bastante complicada. En el cuento, Ignacio est? sentado en los hombros de su padre. Su posici?n sobre el padre representa que Ignacio es una carga para su padre. Hay unos otros personajes en el cuento de importancia. El car?cter menor de la madre difunta, aunque no est? viva en el cuento, tiene un papel significativo. Ella provee el elemento unificador entre el padre y su hijo. El padre ama a su esposa, y porque Ignacio es hijo de ella, ?l se siente responsable para el bienestar de Ignacio. ?Ella me reconvendr?a si yo lo hubiera dejado tirado all?, donde lo encontr?, y no lo hubiera recogido para llevarlo a que lo curen, como estoy haciendo? (160). Otro car?cter, Tranquilino, tiene un nombre significante. ?Tranquilo? significa algo pac?fico o calma. Su nombre es como una iron?a contra Ignacio. Ignacio mat? a Tranquilino, un amigo de su padre que tambi?n bautiz? a Ignacio y le dio su nombre. La iron?a es en que Ignacio mat? a una persona que era tan simp?tico y unido con el padre. El autor usa ?sta nombre para destacar y exagerar la malevolencia de Ignacio. El ultimo car?cter importante tambi?n no aparece f?sicamente en el cuento. Eso son los perros. Aunque los perros no son personajes, simbolizan unos de los temas del cuento. Los perros representan una meta que el padre est? tratando de alcanzar. Para ellos, o?r los perros es igual a la libertad. Se puede o?r la desesperaci?n en la voz del padre cuando no oye ladrar los perros. ?T? que vas all? arriba, Ignacio, d?me si no oyes alguna se?al de algo... Ya debemos estar cerca... Mira bien... ?Me o?ste Ignacio? Te digo que no veo bien? (158, 160). Al fin del cuento tambi?n, los perros distingu?an entre el bueno y el malo. El padre, que es una persona buena y trabajador, oye los perros. Pero Ignacio, un chico rabioso

Monday, November 25, 2019

Recovery-watch update - Emphasis

Recovery-watch update Recovery-watch update As the seasons turn and the nights draw in, we continue to track how often the terms recovery and green shoots appear in the broadsheets. And we ask: can we look to the newspapers for renewed hope, or mere cold comfort? With only the most intermittent exception, it is the latter. This pessimism has dominated since the news on 23 October that we still havent pulled out of the recession. Our research shows a huge drop-off in references to green shoots: at a feeble 41 (compared with 94 last month, and 167 in August), it is at its lowest number since 2008. This term has been becoming increasingly unpopular, not to mention mocked, as the situation drags on. The amount of articles featuring the word recovery has fallen to 1316 (from 1685 in September), which puts it about level with the June figures: a month when the Government came under attack for their role in the crisis. Theres little gentle solace here. The language of attack, war and brutality is prevalent in Octobers articles: emotive words like decimated, pummelled, crashing and shattering abound. Our hopes are mourned; the tyranny of numbers is feared; and we stand in the debris of shopping streets [] like bombsites. The purpose of such prose, besides sheer frustration by the authors, is unclear. Are we to rally in the face of this (we shall fight in BHS; we shall fight in Somerfields and on the High Street ) or hang our heads in defeat?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Future of Policies and Programs for Older Adults Research Paper

Future of Policies and Programs for Older Adults - Research Paper Example More over, industrial revolution steered improved lifestyles involving America. For instance, Americans drifted to urban localities and life spun lengthened together with economic levels advanced by 1935 (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2008). Consequently, advanced economies championed the necessitation of protection and hence stimulated the foundation of social security. Therefore, 1935 marks the drafting and execution of the Social security Act. This included an initiative championed by Roosevelt. Primarily, the act exempted substantial number of employees benefiting from the program. Besides, women and other minorities entailed their exemption from the program (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2008). Therefore, well-off individuals benefited from the cover after retirement by 65 or so ages. Social security owes it establishment to the need to uphold retirees after hitting 65 years. In addition, the program concentrated on ascertaining reimbursements for employees that endured disability in their working course. Currently, the program serves substantial populations of the US populaces (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2008). Statistical data exemplifies that the program benefits over 51 million persons and consumes around $ 650 billions. This includes benefits disseminated to minority groupings like the widows. In addition, widows may commence profiting from the programs when at 50. This expounds that social security renders support to such minority persons. Statistical data also unveils that social security risks benefitting  twice the number included in recent eras (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2008). Recent times engross persons at 65 years, whereas there entails plans to elevate the beneficiary’s timing to 70. Therefore, research explicates that the program would decrease benefits to 74%. This owes exonerations from the information that social security endures elevated costs during compensations. The program thus demands instigation of measures to ascertain reduced costs throughout its

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

U.S and Iran Negotiations Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

U.S and Iran Negotiations - Coursework Example The power bases include: The framework agreement comprised a milestone in negotiations that began like 12 years ago. It created parameters for more than 3 months of negotiations over technical advances and unresolved matters. In Washington, Mr. Obama strongly defended the agreement with Iran as a rare lifetime opportunity to end the spread of dangerous nuclear weapons. He used his excellent communication power base to reassure his critics that he would keep all options available if at all Iran cheated ultimately (Alanazi, & Arnoldo, 2003). Over a period, Iran has been subjected to various pressures and sanctions especially from the US. Under the Obama administration, the sanctions have become more international and far-reaching hence leading to sanctions on the sale of oil by Iran and international access to financial markets. Nonetheless, Obama used to assure Iran that all these sanctions that continued to batter its economy would be lifted in phases if the deal to end the production of nuclear weapons was signed (Castillo et al, 2015) After negotiating the nuclear deal with Iran, President Obama faces two more steps to make it realistic. One is using his power as the US president to make the outline of the deal and its finality. The other step is ensuring that the congress does not interfere on the way. Since the beginning of the negotiations, the Congress has tried to block the deal but president Obama has used his authoritarian powers to prevent the Congress from blocking the deal. Most of the Republicans and some Democrats are skeptical about the recent agreement but in his speech, President Obama dared them to block the deal (Carson et al, 1995). Influence can refer to the force that a person exerts on someone else to induce a certain change on the targeted person. Barrack Obama, the president of USA used the following influence tactics to force out the deal. In this tactic, the leader just issues and instructs

Monday, November 18, 2019

Measuring Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Measuring Performance - Essay Example This report is fundamentally structured in two parts such that first part of the report highlights financial analysis of FDP with the help of ratio analysis. Last part of the report evaluates the non-financial indicators through Balanced Scorecard. Conclusion is provided at the end of this report which summarizes the performance of FDP. Background Information Cut throat competition, shrinkage in profits and increasing redundancies turned out to be the prime factors that lead FDP to change its business strategy. The company’s streamline business used to have both non-urgent and urgent delivery system of the parcel from both mail order companies as well as from internet retailers. The normal non-urgent parcel delivery system used to take around 5 to 7 working days but due to excessively increasing and tightening situation of competition especially with the entrance of international players, it has become extremely difficult for FDP now to survive in such closed competitive envir onment of the non-urgent parcel delivery system. The board of directors of the company has realized all the situations and considered different options in order to boost the revenues of FDP. The final strategy that has been selected by the board is the discontinuance of the non-urgent parcel delivery system by replacing a fast urgent delivery system which would ensure that every parcel is delivered to its recipient within 2 hours of the order booking. Such adoption of the strategy requires significant amount of investment in the existing operations of the business as the company requires more infrastructure and advancements in its communication and information technology based machines. It is intended to provide the parcel delivery personnel a notebook computer along with a parcel scanner such that they are linked with the central database system of FDP. Through all this communication devices, the tracking, collection and delivery of parcels would be delivered with much more conveni ence as well as ensuring their delivery less than 2 hours. The board has also decided to charge the premium price in respect of the urgent delivery system from the customers. Impact of Implementation of New Strategy upon the Financial Performance of FDP This strategy would be implemented from 1 December, 2011. Therefore, the impact of the change in strategy would definitely change company’s financial performance for the upcoming year. The performance of the company in respect of its profitability, leverage, efficiency, liquidity and financing has been discussed as under: Profitability Profitability is the most highly concerned area of financial performance as it is the basis upon which every business decision is taken whether it is small as per company’s perspective or large. Whatever the decision the company takes, everyone is interested to know as what would be the impact of that decision upon the profitability position of the company. Generally there are few profita bility ratios that actually highlight the profitability in terms of various different perspectives. Some of those ratios are discussed as under: Net Profit Margin The company was struggling to maintain a steady growth rate in terms of its Net profit Margin in the past two years but with the implementation of the new strategy, the company can stabilize the growth rate of net profit margin

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Beer Brewery Company In Canada Marketing Essay

Beer Brewery Company In Canada Marketing Essay Molson is a successful beer brewery company in Canada. It was found in 1786, which made it the second oldest Company in Canada so far. Molson Company is recognized as the most preferred beer brand in Canada and it also possess the fourth largest market share in global beer industry. Molson Company faces a challenge in 2007 due to its unsuccessful marketing strategy. The campaign intended to engage with the target market of age 19 -24 through social media. This campaign held a contest, Cold Shot, which encouraged students to compete with other college students by posting as many pictures as possible. This contest ended up creating unexpected negative publicity against the Molson Campaign. Many students and administrators complained about the harm of reputation brought by this contest. As a result, Molson Campaign had to pull the promotion under the public opinion. There are three alternatives that allow Molson Company to engage with the target market. The first alternative is Microblogging, which encourages students to update their status through social network while they are drinking. Molsons drinkers could also follow up the latest Molsons events on site. The second alternative is to build a Molson Educational Center to promote legal drinking message for students and young adults. Young adults are invited to visit the educational center to explore more about Molsons history and experience different fun activities in the center. The last alternative and also the recommendation for Molson campaign is to create Molson Apps that educates students to avoid overconsumption of alcohol through playing the information games. Students could win different valuable awards by playing it. As more games are played by students, the more awards they can get. This does not only enhances Molsons relationship with target audience but also successfully promotes the correct drinking behavior they should have toward their future drinking. Identification of the Problem Molson Company, currently, is facing a challenge in reestablishing its brand as a brand that promotes and encourages responsible alcohol consumption. Molsons problem is to determine if it should continue to use the social media sites for future promotions in marketing its brand. Due to the previous failure in social media marketing, Molson Company has caused various universities colleges to worry about the academic achievements of students. The irresponsiveness of the Molson Company supporting outrageous alcohol consumptions towards students has discouraged them on their studies. In addition, as the Molsons campaign Cold Shot of posting party pictures of students in campus to gain the title of number one party school in Canada encourages foolish behaviors and underage drinking. As a result, universities and colleges are concern about how Molsons activities have neglected the institutions reputations/ images and its student bodies. Situation Analysis Internal Factors: Strengths: Molson is consider as the most preferred brand with a huge percentage of the market share in Canada of 41%, as well as, in the world market around the globe with 3.8%. Due to the development of social media marketing, Molson has started begin involved in social media platform such as Facebook with by approximately 19,000 followers who are interested in Molson. Besides Facebook, the company also manages a variety of social media like Twitter, Flickr, and Youtube. While selling its products to the public, the company has tried their best to be responsible for its commitment for alcohol responsibility as well. Weaknesses: For now, the company is on a huge blame due to an improper promotion activity, Cold Shot. By targeting college and university students, the marketing strategy was issued due to its direction of morality and ethics in encouraging irresponsible drinking and behaviors. Its unsuccessful campaign had harmed the brand image and received negative perception by adults including professors, administrators, as well as, those who have a negative feeling for the company and beer. External environments Political Environment All the provinces in Canada have their different laws and rules for alcohol regulation as well as advertisement of alcohol. It should be specified that advertising must not be related to the consumption of alcohol and should not imply alcoholic consumptions can enhances social acceptance, personal success, and enjoyment of any activity or will resolve the personal problem (Canadian Center of Substance Abuse). If the company wants to maximize the effect of its advertising, it has to be more sensitive not to make ethic and moral issues like it did previously with the Cold Shots campaign with colleges and universities. Social Environment Currently, the social responsibility has been stressed for beer companies so that all the beer companies are presenting its social responsibilities to avoid the blames form the public and society. Molson is providing the responsibility section when its visitors come to approach its official website. Among what the company puts on the section as all kinds of responsibilities, they also offer Governance and Ethics and Alcohol Responsibility on What Matter to Us sections (Molson Coors). Especially on Alcohol Responsibility, they have Global Alcohol Policy and Our Views for better understanding for consumers. Besides, the website provides the company policies, case studies as well as the full details retrieved from the Global Actions on Harmful Drinking website (Molson Coors official website). Competitive Environment Molson is an influential competitor among powerful competitors in the beer market, the moral and ethic issues of the company can be critical. Actually the current flow of the beer market in terms of volume consume, A- B InBev maintained top volume share with 18.3% in 2011. Among the top competitors there are: SAB Miller with 9.8% Heineken with 8.7% Carlsberg with 5.6% China Resource Enterprise with 5.4% Tsingtao Brewery with 3.6% Grupo Modelo with 2.9% Beijing Yanjing Brewery with 2.9% Molson Coors with 2.9% Molson maintained its percentages since 2010; however, it lost its 8th position to Beijing Yanjing, and now Kirin Holdings is a threat to Molson in terms of volume share. (Passport GMID) SWOT Matrix Strength Canadas most preferred brand with 41% market share Rank 4 in the world holding 3.8% market share worldwide Had 19,000 members on its Facebook profile Engaged with social medias like Twitter, Facebookà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and more. Molsons acknowledges as a firm commitment to alcohol responsibility (Molson, 2009) Opportunities Average users of Facebook are fairly young, usually between the ages of 18-21, who are interactive with friends in open and trusted setting social networking sites Social network users likes to interact with their favorite brands profile Social network sites allow fast and effortless spread of message that includes viral marketing campaign. (Word of Mouth) Weakness The failure of the Cold Shots Facebook promotion gave Molson Company a bad reputation since it encourages irresponsible behavior and underage drinking. Threats Limited control on social media sites since it is open for public to posts and comments about a firm or its product Social media sites allow mashups which lead to issues of control and ownership on contents. Organization Objectives To reestablish its brand as a company that cares about social responsibilities rather than a company who only tries to sell alcohol for money. To promote and encourage responsible alcohol with the use of social media.   Analysis of Alternative Before going on to the alternatives, Molson will run year round campaign call a volunteer days. The volunteer day hosted by Molson Company is on monthly basis. The campaign is to encourage those who are brand loyal to participate in local community and help out local rehab centers. Molson believe that engaging brand loyal consumers to local alcoholic rehab center allows them to understand the flaws of irresponsible drinking can cause. Whoever participates might have a chance to win free sport event tickets in a random. The reason we want to launch this campaign with the alternatives is to continue the firms goal of being socially responsible to its community and re-established its brand reputation. Alternative #1: Microblogging about drinking at events The first alternative is Microblogging about drinking Molson Canadian at events. The microblog is a year round blogging site. Applicants must register and create an account before they can blog on it. Site filtrations with questions will be add-on through the registration process to eliminate unlawful age drinkers to view the site. Molson Canadian will be posting dates of various sponsor events on this site to allow audience to visit the events. The microblogging encourage him or her to blog about the current events that is happening and the location theyre at and what they are drinking. Through this site the participant can also access and update their status on Facebook or Twitter through this site. This allows the friends of the Molson drinkers to follow up with Molson Company. On top of posting statuses, Molson Canadian also encourage Molson drinkers to post cool stories of their fun night out. Monthly draws of the best pick funny stories is able to win cash prize, Molsons wearable product, and sport tickets. Alternative #2: Building a Molson Educational Center. Another alternative is to build a Molson Educational Center. The center is similar to a museum. It will include: A small replica of the brewing plant to show the brewing process of the prefer beer in Canada Beer tasting only for 19+ A history lesson of Molson Company Theater to play short movies/videos of responsible and irresponsible drinking scenarios A talk show to educated audiences in responsible drinkers from personnel in local alcoholic rehab centers. Fun activities of experiencing ride check, breathalyser, foggy goggles with affiliated personnel from the local police station Workshop to create customized beer bottle to bring home. Gift store to purchase Molsons items, mugs, hats, t-shirts, and more. To promote and encourage legal drinking message, the education center is only available to 19+ of aged universities and colleges students/drinkers and adult tourists. Illegal entries of 18 and under are not permitted. Securities will be standing at the front door to check IDs before entries. Even though this is a great idea but the cost of this will be too large for the company to handle. Alternative #3: Molson Application The third alternative, Molson Canadian decided to create a mobile application that is designed to store social media platforms, games applications, with features of educational alcohol consumption facts. The mobile application is able to update automatically to gives consumers the latest information in online communities, events, games, and educational facts. The application is personalized, where participants can create their own avatar, set up their choice of background, and more. Molson want to give participants a sense of ownership within carefully defined parameters to customize the App. The application is divided in three sections Games: The main objectives for all Molson games are (1) to not over doze in alcohol and (2) to maintain good behaviour. Coins can be collected throughout the games and after winning the game. Collecting coins can trade real items like Molsons mugs, hats, t-shirts, customized beer bottle of users choice, movie tickets, or even Ipad. If player loses, the game will end with an alcohol consumption fact to educate players Videos: Molson will display educational videos like fun facts of alcohol consumptions, possible causes of irresponsible drinking, Molson events, drinkers talk from rehab centers to educated consumers. Social media platform The Molson application will also be interlinking with the social media platform like Facebook and Twitter to generate interaction between the brand and the target audience. Through the application, Molson wants to drive in more traffic to the fan pages and ensures that there is a continuous interaction in current events, campaigns and discussions. But for sure, applications and fan pages will be evaluated on the basis of what kind of community is being created or whether the community would fit within company and societys expectations. Recommendation Molson Company should continue to benefit from the numerous opportunities to market their products, no matter if its using social media platforms, or more. After much consideration, alternative #3 is believed to be the best one. Picking this option allows Molson Company to closes the gap between fun and education in a way it benefits both. The application is one of the most complete mobile sources for consumers. With the understanding of young people are closely attached with their mobile nowadays, Molson wants to create an application that allows audiences to access it all time. With just a touch of a button, people are able to connect to games, social media sites and informational facts of alcohol consumption. Through this application, Molson Company wants to attach various messages to the target audiences and promote and encourage target audiences to generate a responsible drinking habit with educational facts. In addition, the alternative can also create awareness for Molson prim arily through social media platforms, with the application and some traditional media directing consumers to Molsons Facebook site to generate more traffic. Maybe future promotional campaign can become viral through the fast and effortless spread of messages. Unlike before, every activity and promotion that is engaged by Molson will be carefully evaluated on the basis of what kind of community is being created. Promotions or contents that even hint at improper or excessive of behavior or use of products, Molson will eliminated it. Molson Coors Brewing Company. (2009, October 24). Corporate responsibility overview Retrieved October 24, 2009 from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Animal Farm vs. The Godfather :: compare contrast

Animal Farm vs. The Godfather George Orwell and Mario Puzo wrote Animal Farm and â€Å"The Godfather† (from the book The Godfather), respectively, to express their disillusionment with society and human nature. Animal Farm, written in 1944, is a book that tells the animal fable of a farm in which the farm animals revolt against their human masters. It is an example of social criticism in literature in which Orwell satirized the events in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution. He anthropomorphizes the animals, and eludes each one to a counter part in Russian history. The movie â€Å"The Godfather†, directed by Francis Ford Coppula, also typifies this kind of literature. Besides the central theme of mob life, is another prevalent theme, that of a revolution gone bad. He shows us that, unfortunately, human nature causes us to be vengeful and, for some of us, overly ambitious. Both of these works are similar in that both describe how, even with the best of intentions, our ambitions get the best of us. Both of the authors also demonstrate that violence and the Machiavellian attitude of â€Å"the ends justifying the means† are deplorable. George Orwell wrote Animal Farm, â€Å"†¦ to discredit the Soviet system by showing its inhumanity and its back-sliding from ideals [he] valued†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Gardner, 106) Orwell noted, â€Å"there exists in England almost no literature of disillusionment with the Soviet Union.’ Instead, that country is viewed either with ignorant disapproval’ or with uncritical admiration.’† (Orwell, 10) The other animals take this utopian idea to heart, and one day actually do revolt and drive the humans out. Two pigs emerge as leaders: Napoleon and Snowball. They constantly argued, but one day, due to a difference over plans to build a windmill, Napoleon exiled Snowball. Almost immediately, Napoleon established a totalitarian government. Soon, the pigs began to get special favors, until finally, they were indistinguishable from humans to the other animals. Immediately the reader can begin to draw parallels between the book’s characters and the government in 1914-1944 Russia. For example, Old Major, who invented the idea of â€Å"animalism,† is seen as representing Karl Marx, the creator of communism. Snowball represents Trotksy, a Russian leader after the revolution. He was driven out by Napoleon, who represents Stalin, the most powerful figure in the country. Napoleon then proceeded to remove the freedoms of the animals, and established a dictatorship, under the public veil of â€Å"animalism.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ending Poverty in the Third World Essay

Poverty continues to be a large part of the third world countries, affecting many people’s wellbeing and country stability in the new millennium, despite many strategies put in place to alleviate the poor status. Due to the continued prominent place of poverty in the third world countries, significant strategies are coming up comprising of political, social, spiritual, environmental, and managerial coping strategies. The strategies have realized various levels of success although it highly depends on the place of implementation and the taskforce mandated to implement the development strategies. The failure or minimal success of some of the strategies geared towards ending poverty in the third world, has encouraged the developed and developing countries, and developmental related agencies to focus on coming up with new theories with the likelihood of more success. Nevertheless, poverty in the third world continues to be a major challenge in the world with many strategies, some successful and others marked with dismal failure coming up to alleviate third world poverty. Description of Poverty in the Third World Poverty implies a lack of adequate food and shelter, lack of better housing, sanitation, access of safe drinking water attributed to lack of income to facilitate acquisition of basic necessities, a sense of powerlessness, and vulnerability to adverse shocks (Parsed et al, 2005, p. 290). The concept of poverty encompasses a large spectrum of attributes such as levels of income and consumption, health, education, security, and housing. Nevertheless, poverty is largely an attribute of low income that prevents individuals and families from acquiring and enjoying basic life necessities such as nutritious food, clothing, shelter, and clean water. Regions highly affected by the incidence of poverty are Africa and Asia, also referred as the third world, the developing nations, or less developed countries, although Africa suffers a more rampant extent of poverty compared to Asia (Parsed et al, 2005, p. 290). Among these countries, the poor live mostly on less than a dollar a day, although some live on $2 a day, although the incidence and gap may not be significant either in the African or Asian developing countries. In the past decade, the development of the concept of globalization gave promise to the reduction of poverty in the third world because of the removal of control on free movement of goods and services; however, the initial hope is yet to be realized. Encouraging the possibility of poverty eradication within the emergence of globalization has been the United Nations and the development of goals towards alleviation of poverty, and the entry of the international community in the process of poverty eradication in the third world. Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals At the turn of the millennium in 2000, the United States member states agreed on eight international development goals to be achieved by 2015 that the countries adopted in 2001 in order to assist impoverished nations and create a sustainable global community. The first goal of the eight was to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, with the target being to half the number of people living on less than a dollar per day and reduce by half the number of people suffering from hunger. From the creation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and various public, private, and federal agencies worked towards establishing developmental strategies that would facilitate the realization of the goals (Eggen and Bezemer, 2007, p. 1). The strategies have been constructed mainly along the international community through the UNDP, NGOs funded by international groups, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) towards poverty reduction. Agreeably, poverty reduction especially in the third world has been an ongoing process in many countries. However, its recognition by the UN made it a priority within the international community with the MDGs becoming a coherent expression of global development priorities and an instrument to shape development policies (Eggen and Bezemer, 2007, p. 2). The introduction of the MDGs meant that the world had a standard by which to measure the success of policy interventions in poverty reduction within a certain period. In the discussion of the strategies set towards ending poverty in the third world, the policy interventions attributed to the MDGs, and the international community forms a critical part of the exploration. Therefore, throughout the paper, reference to the MDGs, the international community, and globalization are inevitable. Strategies towards Ending Poverty in the Third World When considering the interventions being developed towards ending poverty in the third world, one should consider the causes of poverty and their role in determining the responses towards poverty by all key players including inhabitants of third world countries, potential donors, and those from developed countries or economies. Among some of the determined causes of poverty in the third world first is the high and underdeveloped population in the third world attributed to lack of ability among the people, unwillingness to change traditional ways and customs, lack of proper resource management, lack of attempt at self-improvement, laziness, and lack of knowledge (Panadero and Vazquez, 2008, p. 574). The second cause is poor governance in third world countries attributed to corruption and inefficiency among the governments, while the third cause is exploitation of the third world countries by other countries especially developed countries and by the world economy and banking systems, and lack of an open market system. The fourth cause of poverty in the third world according to Panadero and Vasquez (2008) is war whereby the governments spend too much on arms and more is spent in restoring the country after a war or keep the country afloat in the course of the war. Lastly, third world poverty is attributed to natural causes that include diseases, pests and insects that destroy crops, natural disasters because of poor climatic conditions and lack of environmental friendly knowledge. Alleviation and eradication of poverty in the third world will take the effort of the inhabitants of these countries, those from the developed economies and the organizations key to development such as UNDP, World Bank and the IMF. The effort should focus on strategies that will facilitate reduction and eventual eradication of poverty, and ensuring people from the third world gain the knowledge and provisions needed to prevent them from going back to their current status. Agreeably, the eradication of poverty in the third world requires a multidimensional focus that does not only concentrate on reducing income poverty, which has been the focus of many interventions, but also include interventions geared towards reduction of human deprivation in all dimensions (Chopra, 2005, p. 52). To achieve a global reduction of poverty as per the MDGs by 2015, the third world countries comprising the world’s poorest countries need to pursue wide ranges of reforms with developed nations responding to the effort through improved trade terms and increased aid. According to Chopra (2005), action is critical in ensuring global financial stability and ensuring that poor countries are at par with developed nations in the adoption of technology and in scientific and medical research (p. 52). Further, the wealthy nations must open their markets to the products of the poor countries, with aid and debt relief increased to help the poor countries help themselves without the interference of the wealthy nations, which has marked most of the intervention programs. Nevertheless, the poor nations need to give voice to their need and influence decision-making in international forums, noting that in most forums the powerful developed countries make much of the decisions related to the development of the poor nations. Therefore, for the world to end third world poverty and ensure that the global platform allows equal opportunities and competition to all, the international community needs to review existing intervention programs. Among interventions that can aid the process of ending third world poverty that have been part of the implemented strategies, include one promoting equal opportunity through the expansion of economic opportunities for poor people through the stimulation of overall growth (Chopra, 2005, p. 51). Additional strategies towards offering equal opportunity is building up the poor countries assets and increasing the asset returns through market and non-market action. As stated in the discussion of causes of poverty, one of the mentions causes is an underdeveloped population; therefore, offering opportunities for economic expansion will help these populations begin thriving thus facilitate a reduction of poverty. Furthermore, another attributed cause of poverty is a closed market that does not allow the poor nations to promote their products in the developed nations; however, creation of opportunities through the opening of markets will enable them access the international market. Additionally, the promotion of assets especially within the international community is another strategy of providing equal opportunities to the poor nations. Second intervention is facilitating empowerment through adoption of accountability in state institutions and response to the needs of the poor people, as well as strengthening the participation of poor people in political processes and local decision-making (Chopra, 2005, p. 52). Further, empowerment requires people be encouraged to participate in political processes, local decision making, and eradicating social barriers that contribute to gender, ethnic, racial, religious, and social distinction. Dealing with unaccountability in state institutions including governments ensures successful address of some of the cause of poverty, which is corrupt government. Further, strengthening people’s participation in decision-making will provide the link between the people, the leadership, and the resources resulting in better resource usage that has been lacking in many third world countries. The third factor in addressing poverty in the third world is enlargement of security through reduction of people’s vulnerability to ill health, economic shocks, policy induced dislocations, natural disasters, and violence (Chopra, 2005, p. 52). Notably, health is a significant factor in development because when people are healthy they are more likely to engage in economically productive activities compared to when they are ill or undergoing natural circumstances that reduce their efficiency. Security should also include protection from violence, and helping the people deal with adverse shocks when they occur. Maintenance of security is important to offer people an opportunity to work towards developmentally beneficial activities without fear of violence, disease, or natural disasters, and incase such events occur people should know their country has the capacity to address them and restore order. The implementation of some of these factors as discussed in the subsequent section has been ongoing in many parts of the third world realizing a steady decline in poverty. However, the number of the poor continues to be significant denoting a failure in the effective of the strategies, and requiring developmental agencies and developing nations to either adopt different strategies or approach the existing strategies from another side. Nevertheless, one cannot claim that the international community has not been trying to meet the MDGs especially in the third world and some poor parts of the developed nations.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

010 Review Analysis Professor Ramos Blog

010 Review Analysis Review Example Quick Write What do you think is the difference between Summary and Analysis? Review Example Im Not Racist Review Activity: Still-Life Writing List as many concrete details as you can see. List as many unique observations as you can. Write as descriptively as possible about the text. Descriptive language – appeals to the reader’s five senses: taste, touch, sight, smell, and hearing. Use this strategy for your primary sources. Build on your concrete observation and evoke the image for your reader. Vampires Dracula is the most famous  vampire in literature and film.   Bela Lugosi portrays the evil Count Dracula in the 1931 movie classic. Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992) Finally, the last image to analyze. The Muppet character Count Von Count. In-Text Citations You should be quoting, citing, paraphrasing, and summarizing from the text. Most of your evidence should come from the text you are reviewing. Either introduce the quote or reference in the sentence or cite after in the parenthetical citation. In-Text Citation Basics You will be citing from the book in your essay. It is important that we learn how to do it correctly. After Quisqueya tells the Riveras about Mayor and Maribel, she says, â€Å"I’m Sorry† (Henriquez 202). Citing a source with one, two, or three or more authors. (Henriquez 202) (Best and Marcus 9) (Franck et al. 327) Prison Debate Do we need more or less people in prison? Come up with reasons why we should have more people in prison. Come up with reasons why we should have less people in prison. You have ten minutes to research and decide on your points. One person will present, all with research and contribute. After both sides have presented, you will have 3 minutes to come up with rebuttal points to the other side.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on The Bush Plan

The Bush plan: What it means to you Here's how the president's economic stimulus package may affect you.January 8, 2003: 1:12 PM EST NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - As expected, President Bush on Tuesday proposed an accelerated reduction of income tax rates and the elimination of taxes on dividends for individual investors. His proposals were the centerpiece of an economic stimulus plan that the White House estimates will cost $674 billion over 10 years. According to estimates by the Tax Foundation, the average U.S. family of four making $66,619 might save $1,133 if four of Bush's proposals are implemented, not including the elimination of dividend taxes. (To see how much you might save depending on where you live, click here.) The White House, meanwhile, estimates that the president's proposals will save taxpayers an average of $1,083 on their 2003 taxes, while a family of four with two wage earners making $39,000 would save $1,100. How much of those savings taxpayers would keep, however, is another question. Many states have been facing fiscal problems and are planning spending cuts and tax increases. "There's no questio n that a significant fraction of savings...are going to be gobbled up by hungry state and local governments," said Bill Ahern, spokesman for the Tax Foundation. Following is a list of the changes Bush proposed that would affect individual taxpayers and the federal tax savings you may see as if they're enacted. (To read about the Democrats' rival stimulus plan, click here.) Accelerating income tax rate cutsAs it stands now under the Tax Relief Act of 2001, income tax rates are scheduled to come down in 2004 and again in 2006. But instead of waiting those extra years, Bush said he will ask Congress to make those cuts effective for this tax year, retroactive to Jan. 1. (See table.) Back to the futureBelow are the scheduled tax rate reductions set in the Tax Relief Act of 2001. President Bush on Tuesday proposed accelerating th... Free Essays on The Bush Plan Free Essays on The Bush Plan The Bush plan: What it means to you Here's how the president's economic stimulus package may affect you.January 8, 2003: 1:12 PM EST NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - As expected, President Bush on Tuesday proposed an accelerated reduction of income tax rates and the elimination of taxes on dividends for individual investors. His proposals were the centerpiece of an economic stimulus plan that the White House estimates will cost $674 billion over 10 years. According to estimates by the Tax Foundation, the average U.S. family of four making $66,619 might save $1,133 if four of Bush's proposals are implemented, not including the elimination of dividend taxes. (To see how much you might save depending on where you live, click here.) The White House, meanwhile, estimates that the president's proposals will save taxpayers an average of $1,083 on their 2003 taxes, while a family of four with two wage earners making $39,000 would save $1,100. How much of those savings taxpayers would keep, however, is another question. Many states have been facing fiscal problems and are planning spending cuts and tax increases. "There's no questio n that a significant fraction of savings...are going to be gobbled up by hungry state and local governments," said Bill Ahern, spokesman for the Tax Foundation. Following is a list of the changes Bush proposed that would affect individual taxpayers and the federal tax savings you may see as if they're enacted. (To read about the Democrats' rival stimulus plan, click here.) Accelerating income tax rate cutsAs it stands now under the Tax Relief Act of 2001, income tax rates are scheduled to come down in 2004 and again in 2006. But instead of waiting those extra years, Bush said he will ask Congress to make those cuts effective for this tax year, retroactive to Jan. 1. (See table.) Back to the futureBelow are the scheduled tax rate reductions set in the Tax Relief Act of 2001. President Bush on Tuesday proposed accelerating th...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Assignment 3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

3 - Assignment Example Workers at the firm lack adequate knowledge to operate existing system. The available system takes time to update hence the limited labor supply would tend to ignore the protocol and use outdated data in analyzing the market. The other constraint relates to costs. This is caused by the firm’s inability to schedule and utilize their line of production. The external constraint relates to demand in that the firm’s complex system makes it impossible to anticipate demand and hence distracting production (Upton & Singh, 2007). The firm encountered major challenges due to these constraints. Sunsweet Growers was unable to meet the market demand. The available labor supply become rigid hence was unable to change with changing demand. There existed increased cost in inventory and production due to poor planning. The firm was unable to control administrative cost and outdated excel systems had a negative effect on the operation of the firm. The firm was forced to seek a third party in order to procure a new system to enable better operations. The system had high initial cost to the company as employees where retrained and cost of purchase was high. The firm also was forced to operate beyond its normal capacity (Upton & Singh, 2007). The constraint had an impact on the normal operation of the firms. The firm had to incur extra cost on inventory and production. Due to their inability to anticipate demand, the firm had to hire more workers to increase their demand. The seasonal demand associated with the firm’s line of production takes a toll during low season and the firm is then forced to disrupt production. The practice poses a major threat to the very existence of the firm. The firm risks incurring more cost both administrative and operational. Increased cost of production would mean the prices of their products are increased in order to match the cost. Customers would shy off the products and seek other

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Exploratory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Exploratory - Essay Example Of course, it would be a misplaced conception to assume that these games are the same. What are the differences between the major gaming platforms, for instance the Wii and Playstation3? With the overwhelming market expansion, the most important question that lingers in many minds of course would be what exactly is driving the gaming console industry to its new levels of success witnessed in the recent past? I sought to find out by engaging merchandisers on one on one interviews, conducting a library research and consulting articles posted over the internet. The first thing I did to find information on this particular subject was to set up an interview with Mr. Jimmy Jonson, a Caltech undergraduate working on Kinect home applications based in Washington. â€Å"How do I get to know the best gaming platform that best suites me?† I asked. â€Å"There are numerous different types of computer gaming systems available for sale in the market currently and so choosing the right one that suit ones needs can indeed be a difficult process. As such, a potential buyer with interest should first outline the goals to be met before actually making the final decision to purchase.    Some of these goals include setting a price ceiling, the possibility of having the device playable to two or more people, ability to be able to play online, and the rating in the consumer market so as to be moving with the current technology, as opposed to using obsolete systems† (Jimmy Jonson, part 1). With major preferable gaming consoles to select and abundance of video games powered by different industries, it would be an experience of a kind should one decide to enter the world of video or computer gaming. The price tags, game genres, as well as the game consoles, there are simply so many options that one has to consider before officially launching a bid to secure one. And so to avoid the baggage of focusing on quite a huge number of the gaming